Monday, May 26, 2008

What is a Wiki?

Wikis can be used in numerous ways. I think as a staff it could be a great way for us to collaborate with each other, even if we can't all be in the same place at the same time. It allows for creativity of all participants.

One drawback I think we might encounter is if someone has an "issue" with someone changing what they have written. I think if we enter this knowing that we are working together for the betterment of our students we shouldn't run into any problems.

I also think students could work in small groups or teams to create projects or review materials.

What is a Blog?

As I write about blogs I think back to when I went to college. I wasn't nearly so easy to stay in touch with high school friends. Now, some years later, my teenage daughter has the luxury of the cell phone, text messages, instant messages, blogs, the list goes on.

When I first sat down to write in a blog I thought about the journal I had as a young girl. I don't think I will share such things as the crush I had on Donny Osmond, (Yes, I'm dating myself!) but I am able to share ideas about technology that may or may not be of interest to someone else.

What is a blog? Since Wikipedia does such a good job explaining it I think I"ll let the collective "them" do it for me.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Web 2.0

What is Web 2.0? According to Colin Lankshear and Michele Knobel in their article From Web 2.0 to School 2.0? "Web 2.0 is characterized by "serviceware": customizable online services and applications accessed via a web browser and located entirely online, which can be accessed from any computer." "Schools and classrooms that successfully incorporate Web 2.0 principles, resources, and technologies will adopt a new form of learning that involves co-design, co-creation, and shared problem solving."
Some terms that we think of when Web 2.0 is mentioned are: Blog, Wiki, RSS Feed, Podcast, Social Bookmarking,...
Can you think of any others?